Why Adjustable Steel Stumps are Better Than Concrete or Timber

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The moment my husband and I stepped into our house, we fell in love with the place. However, after we had lived in the property for a few months, we noticed that it didn't have enough living space. We sat down one day and worked out an improved layout for our home that would increase the amount of space available to us. We called in some contractors to complete the work and we are really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to start this blog to share our home construction journey with anyone who is considering enlarging their home.


Why Adjustable Steel Stumps are Better Than Concrete or Timber

12 May 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Are you thinking about building a major extension that requires adjustments to your foundational slab? One of the biggest decisions that you need to make is choosing the right type of stumps to support the structure correctly. While concrete or timber stumps may seem like good options, have you considered using adjustable steel stumps instead? What do you need to know about this solution?


Steel stumps are known for their long-lasting durability. They can withstand harsh weather conditions and remain unaffected by moisture, unlike timber stumps that can rot and get destroyed by termites. Concrete stumps, on the other hand, can crack and require frequent repairs. Adjustable steel stumps come with a galvanised coating that protects them from rust and corrosion, making them the most durable stumps for your slab.


Although adjustable steel stumps cost more than timber or concrete stumps, they offer greater value for your money in the long run. Steel stumps require little to no maintenance, which means you won't spend money on replacements or repairs. Concrete stumps, on the other hand, require frequent inspection, and timber stumps require treatment and possible replacement after several years.


Steel stumps provide greater flexibility in adjusting the height of your structure if need be. They come with adjustable bolts and a turnbuckle that you can use to adjust their height to the required level. This flexibility comes in handy when dealing with uneven terrain, settling, or expansion/contraction due to weather changes. With adjustable steel stumps, you can easily make necessary adjustments without major work.

Speedy Installation

Compared to concrete stumps, steel stumps are lighter and easier to install. Concrete stumps require excavation, preparing and pouring the concrete in the holes, which can then take several hours to set. Steel stumps, on the other hand, require digging a big enough hole for the stump plate and then securing the stump into place with the adjustable bolts. This process is quicker, and you can install your deck in a shorter time.

What to Remember

In conclusion, adjustable steel stumps are a reliable, cost-effective, and easy-to-install option during major work like this. They are relatively easy to adjust, and their durability makes them a smart choice for homeowners who want a long-lasting project. Though they may cost slightly more at the onset, adjustable steel stumps provide lower maintenance costs in the long run, making them a better option than concrete or timber stumps. Choose adjustable steel stumps for your next decking project and enjoy all the benefits that come with them. Get in touch with a contractor for further advice about adjustable steel stumps.