4 Signs Your Building's Basement Waterproofing Has Failed

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The moment my husband and I stepped into our house, we fell in love with the place. However, after we had lived in the property for a few months, we noticed that it didn't have enough living space. We sat down one day and worked out an improved layout for our home that would increase the amount of space available to us. We called in some contractors to complete the work and we are really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to start this blog to share our home construction journey with anyone who is considering enlarging their home.


4 Signs Your Building's Basement Waterproofing Has Failed

18 July 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

While the basements in commercial buildings should have been waterproofed during their construction or renovation, this protection doesn't always last. Age and inadequate installation can make waterproofing fail.

If a basement loses its waterproofing, then it can create other water-related problems in your building. It can damage any HVAC systems or boilers in the space. It can also spread damp through other levels.

So, it makes sense to deal with problems fast. How can you tell if your basement has a waterproofing problem?

1. Changes to Painted Surfaces

If waterproofing systems fail, then they can't keep water away from basement walls. For example, if a membrane breaks or doesn't cover the whole of the wall, then moisture will get into the surface.

Once this happens, your walls might feel damp to the touch. Over time, the moisture in a wall can spread to its paint. It will sit between the paint and the wall.

At this stage, you'll see the problem. Paint might bubble up or blister. In some cases, it will peel off a wall.

2. Stains on Walls, Ceilings, and Floors

If your waterproofing system doesn't hold water back, then it will start to seep into the structure of your basement. This water can create stains.

So, for example, you might see some staining on your walls, ceilings, and floors. While these stains are often water-based, they can sometimes look red and rusty.

Rust stains can be a sign of a bigger problem. Water might have gotten into metal rebar supports or HVAC pipes and caused some corrosion. As well as fixing your waterproofing problems, you might also need to do some remedial work on corroded infrastructure.

3. Higher Humidity

An effectively waterproofed basement shouldn't feel damp and humid. If your waterproofing works, then the air in the space should feel dry.

If your basement's humidity levels have increased, or if the space feels damp, then you may well have a waterproofing problem. Your system isn't keeping moisture out of the space as efficiently as it should.

4. Signs of Mold

If your basement becomes too damp and humid, then mold might start to grow. Mold will thrive in a moist environment; it gives you a clear sign that you have a waterproofing problem.

At the start, your basement might simply smell musty and moldy. However, as mold starts to grow, it will appear on your walls. If your main HVAC unit is in this space, then it might start to transfer mold spores around your building.

To find out the source of your problem, contact commercial remedial waterproofing services. They can check out your waterproofing and make any necessary repairs or changes.