The Different Factors That May Be Causing Leaking In Your Bathroom

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The moment my husband and I stepped into our house, we fell in love with the place. However, after we had lived in the property for a few months, we noticed that it didn't have enough living space. We sat down one day and worked out an improved layout for our home that would increase the amount of space available to us. We called in some contractors to complete the work and we are really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to start this blog to share our home construction journey with anyone who is considering enlarging their home.


The Different Factors That May Be Causing Leaking In Your Bathroom

19 October 2016
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Leaking and waterproofing are key concerns when it comes to bathrooms. And that's because, unlike other rooms in the house, the bathroom is exposed to huge amounts of water every day. If your bathroom is not well waterproofed, therefore, this water could end up leaking to adjacent structures and causing all manner of structural damage. In this article, find out exactly what could be causing such leaks in your bathroom and how to stop it.

Cracked or missing tiles

Tiles are usually generously installed in bathrooms to help with water drainage. When the tiles in your bathroom are cracked, broken or missing, the water that lands on these areas seeps through all the way to the bare wall or floor. Because your bare wall or floor is not designed to handle that much water, like the tiles are, the moisture slowly seeps across and spreads. To avoid this, always have worn or damaged tiles repaired immediately.

Worn grouting

The grouting on the tiles is just as important as the tiles themselves. Grouting seals the gaps in between the tiles. In some cases, the grouting may not be well installed or it may wear off over time. When this happens, tiny crevices are formed in the grouting sections. Water then seeps through these crevices and starts to penetrate the floor or wall adjacent to the tiling. To avoid this, have your bathroom re-grouted periodically or after you notice any wear.  

Cracked or loose-fitting bathroom installations

Bathroom installations such as shower base pans and tubs are often sealed along the walls to ensure that water does not seep through. However, over time, water can do just that in two ways. One, if the installations have cracks on them, and two, if the seal on the installations wears off. The latter is especially hard to notice if the seal has not come off everywhere. To remedy this damage, the damaged installations must be repaired or replaced and any worn sealing re-caulked.  

Leaking shower head, tap or toilet

Your bathroom can also leak, not because the drainage areas are damaged in any way, but simply because there is an uncontrolled flow of water in the bathroom. For example, leaks from the toilet, taps or shower heads can create a continuous flow of water on the floor. This can then cause damage to the tiles or grouting due to over-absorption of water. At some point, your floors will start to absorb some of this water and it will slowly spread to other rooms. To avoid this, have bathroom leaks repaired as soon as possible.

Have a bathroom waterproofing contractor, like one from Westside Sealants Pty Ltd, inspect the damage for a more detailed assessment. They will then advise you on which of the above problems you're faced with and how to go about or whether you need a complete waterproofing service.