Choosing the Perfect Glass Splashback

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How to Increase the Size of Your Home

The moment my husband and I stepped into our house, we fell in love with the place. However, after we had lived in the property for a few months, we noticed that it didn't have enough living space. We sat down one day and worked out an improved layout for our home that would increase the amount of space available to us. We called in some contractors to complete the work and we are really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to start this blog to share our home construction journey with anyone who is considering enlarging their home.


Choosing the Perfect Glass Splashback

9 December 2016
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Designing your kitchen is a constant balancing act. Hygiene is a major concern, but you can't forget to think on an artistic level at the same time. Everyone wants their kitchen to look good. Some even want their kitchen to be the envy of all of their friends, family, associates and guests. There are certain kitchen designs which can incorporate both these important elements. One of these is to use a glass splashback.


The glass splashback is perfect to be placed above your cooker. We've all been in the situation where food is bubbling away on the oven top and causing hideous marks and stains over the wall. With a glass splashback, this is a problem of the past. They are much easier to wipe clean than tiles or stainless steel. The other practical point to keep an eye on is to ensure that the dimensions are correct so that the glass splashback fits perfectly in place. It also helps if it fits with the colour scheme, or you may have something more striking in mind. These would be more artistic choices than practical though.


The truly great thing about glass splashbacks is how much it frees you up to express yourself. You may think this is odd when talking about kitchen design, but there are some tremendous examples of real works of art being utilised for glass splashbacks. You are not limited to a pitiful selection of colour schemes. Don't be put off by the term artistic. You may just think you're matching colour schemes in your kitchen, but that in it's own respect is artistic.

Questions when purchasing a glass splashback

When designing your kitchen, you need to ask if the glass splashback is going to be a focal point of your kitchen or if you want it to blend in. Decide early in the process how high up in your priorities it is. Will the cabinets and worktops be top priority, or will they fit in with your splashback focal point? The whole tone of the kitchen can be set with your glass splashback. Whether you want it to look modern or have a homely feel, all options are available. Just ensure the rest of the kitchen has the same feel, you don't ant to mismatch. 


One of the greatest things about glass splashbacks is how easy it is to customise them, allowing you to create your own design. They can be as loud and artistic as you like, or they can be subtle and practical. Whichever you choose, they still end up working on all levels because of their adaptability.