Home Insulation Tips You Should Know About

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How to Increase the Size of Your Home

The moment my husband and I stepped into our house, we fell in love with the place. However, after we had lived in the property for a few months, we noticed that it didn't have enough living space. We sat down one day and worked out an improved layout for our home that would increase the amount of space available to us. We called in some contractors to complete the work and we are really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to start this blog to share our home construction journey with anyone who is considering enlarging their home.


Home Insulation Tips You Should Know About

13 December 2016
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Home insulation helps to keep your home warm and comfortable all year round. Proper insulation is very important in keeping the flow of heat in your home. Apart from the major reasons of keeping the home warm, insulation can also be installed to reduce noise and save energy and money through reduction of electricity bills. There are several types of insulation that you can install to keep the house warmer during winter and cooler during summer. In short, insulating your home prevents both heat loss and heat gain, depending on the climatic conditions.

Sometimes, you may have an adequate heating system in your home and you still discover that it is cold. It means the heat is passing through some leaks or cracks. In such cases, you need to install insulation, which you can place in your home ceiling, walls or floors. Here are some home insulation tips you should know about.

Insulate your roof

Nowadays, most houses are constructed with suitable insulation standards. If your house is old and insulation was not installed for your roof during construction, you can insulate under the roof or above the ceiling. If your roof is not properly insulated, you will need more heating during winter and more cooling or air conditioning during summer.

There are different types of roof insulation, so you should speak to your contractor about the proper material for your home. The ideal roof insulation materials to use for your house will depend on its location, climate and the type of house you have. The color of your roof also matters. If your roof is painted in lighter colors, it saves energy by reflecting light and heat, rather than absorbing them.

Insulate your attic

If you have an attic in your house, it is very important to insulate to avoid heat loss. Your attic is one of the major places that serves as an escape channel for heat. There are a wide variety of insulation options for the attic such as using foams, mineral wool, cotton or fiberglass. Before insulating your attic, you should check for air leaks or gaps that will allow air to escape because they will make your insulation useless if not blocked. You can use a spray foam to seal the air leaks.

Insulate your walls 

You can insulate your wall effectively by sealing the gaps and spaces on them. In addition, you can protect your walls from any damage by insulating them. There are several types of wall insulation to help you keep your homes warm such as Rigid Foam or Foam Board and Loose-Fill insulation. You should choose the best method that suits your home. If your wall was not insulated during construction or you don't have an existing insulation, you can retrofit your wall. This means that you can install insulation on your external walls without any disruption to your house.

You can maximize the effectiveness of your insulation by checking for air leaks around your doors and windows. It is important to hire a professional contractor that will give you the best insulation method that suits your home.