How to Choose the Right Surface for a Sports Field

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The moment my husband and I stepped into our house, we fell in love with the place. However, after we had lived in the property for a few months, we noticed that it didn't have enough living space. We sat down one day and worked out an improved layout for our home that would increase the amount of space available to us. We called in some contractors to complete the work and we are really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to start this blog to share our home construction journey with anyone who is considering enlarging their home.


How to Choose the Right Surface for a Sports Field

27 February 2017
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

When having a new sports field installed in a school, rec centre or anywhere else, you want to think carefully about the surface you choose. Some will be more durable than others and will also affect your game play in ways you may not realize. Other surfaces will require more maintenance over time. Note a few factors to consider when choosing a surface for a sports field so you ensure you get the best one for your facility.

1. Natural turf

Natural turf or sod is good for traction in most playing conditions, so it's good for a running track where you want to avoid slippage. Natural turf grass can also mean a healthier space, as any type of vegetation will circulate more oxygen around a playing field. The appearance of natural turf is also usually preferred over artificial turf. However, note that natural turf needs the most maintenance; you will need to mow and add seed regularly to avoid bare spots. Also, the ground can become very hard during the cold season, making the turf slippery and resulting in injuries for anyone who slips and falls.

2. Sand bed natural turf

If you like natural turf but your field will have drainage issues, consider a sand bed. This is a layer of sand under the turf that won't allow water to pool around the area. Not only will this mean healthier vegetation without roots that wither, but it can also mean less mud that could interfere with your game play. A sand bed natural turf surface is good in areas prone to lots of rainfall or on a surface that is not properly graded and sloped.

3. Artificial turf

There are many different types of artificial turf and each will affect your game play. A turf carpeting can have a soft layer that has blades of artificial grass sewn into this surface; this is less slick than other forms of artificial turf, and the soft carpet layer may absorb some shock from running and jumping. 

Other artificial turfs will be made of a rubber or plastic, or blend of the two, with little or no artificial grass. This can mean a smooth surface that is good for games like field hockey, where you don't want anything to interrupt the movement of a ball or wheels on a skate.

For more advice on choosing a turf for your sporting field, talk to a contractor in your area.