How Custom Grates Make Your Bathroom Feel Much More Luxurious

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The moment my husband and I stepped into our house, we fell in love with the place. However, after we had lived in the property for a few months, we noticed that it didn't have enough living space. We sat down one day and worked out an improved layout for our home that would increase the amount of space available to us. We called in some contractors to complete the work and we are really pleased with how it turned out. I decided to start this blog to share our home construction journey with anyone who is considering enlarging their home.


How Custom Grates Make Your Bathroom Feel Much More Luxurious

23 September 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Bathrooms are not often thought of as the height of luxury, but with the proper finishing touches, they can certainly be made to feel that way. While it is possible to get fixtures that are mass-produced and cheaply available in virtually every size, you are doing yourself a disservice in the long run by not spending that extra little bit of cash to get something custom-made to your specifications. Here are a few reasons why custom grates can help your bathroom feel like it is part of an en-suite at a five-star hotel at a fraction of the price.

Hidden Design

Many people hate the sight of grates in their bathrooms because they find them industrial and distracting. If you want to keep your grates hidden, then you need a smart design that blends with the tiles you have already picked out in your bathroom and has an active drainage system that can do its job properly. These custom drains are usually wider than normal grates that you might find in a regular bathroom because they have far smaller entrances, and they need a larger surface area to make up for it. The good news is that this is incorporated into the overall design, so it looks completely planned.

Easy Clean

No one likes feeling that their grates or drains are getting clogged up. Hair, grime, soap scum, and all kinds of dirt and bacteria can be lurking down there, and dealing with that is not very high on anyone's list of priorities. Luckily, custom grates have special filters that stand above the normal drain and catch all the different types of aforementioned gross materials in one easy-to-empty location. All you have to do is open it up and empty out its contents every few weeks and you should never have that gross feeling of standing in a puddle of filth in your own shower again.

Overcoming Design Issues

Maybe the whole reason you want custom grates is that you have an inherent flaw in the design of your bathroom. Some buildings have very old layouts that can make it difficult to work within their confines, and in this case, you need custom grates purpose-built for practical reasons only. This is still very much within the wheelhouse of custom grate manufacturers and is becoming more common as older houses are updated for the first time in decades. Don't try and fit a mass-produced grate into your home when a custom-built one could fit like a glove.